1: Maybe Cynthia Chapter
6: the substance of life and painting the city
Chapter 2: Past Lifes Chapter
7: Three Portraits of Lucky
Chapter 3: Stoner Chapter
8: Creep
the Sacred Chapter
9:The Psychic Lover
5: Spring 2015 Chapter:
the Devil's Story
3: Stoner
this is a fiction. it wasn't me
. I never inhaled mate.
would the stoner story start? With Woodstock! But we didn't
have Woodstock in the England, in the UK. That same weekend though we
had the Isle of Wight. Bob Dylan's would play for the first time after
a mysterious absences from the scene (the Basement Tapes come from those
hidden years) The Who flew in by helicopter. Jimi Hendrix was there.
Richie Havens
and Tom Paxton were revelations. And how did I get there? Let me back
while before we had been driving round all night in Rolling Stone's Jann
Werner's white Cadillac: Had he shipped it over for
his visit to the Isle of Wight because of its quadraphonic sound system?
I'd been round visiting Alan M. In '69
Alan edited Rolling Stones London edition. And Doctor Sam Hutt was there.
He and Alan had just been down to the docklands to pick up the car. Sam
suggested we take it out for a spin. In the car was Alan's beautiful wife,
Jenny, and sweet Philippa, who worked in the |
Stone London office. And me. I was rolling the joints. (1)
We drove round all night, high as kites, I remember Dylan Like a Rolling
Stone rolling off the quadraphonics.
In the wee hours someone suggested that
we stop by the Covent Garden (produce) market where we might get a cup
of tea in the middle of the night . A young (18 years old ?)
northern lad, working in the market unloading the trucks, came
up to us in our dandy gear
and asked in a thick brogue,"What do you call yourselves?"
the lad asked.
"Freaks," said Alan. (Cause
that's what we called ourselves, "Freaks" or "Heads.")
"Ah, you're nay freaks," he
that last weekend in August, 1969, I set off for the Isle of Wight,
and on the platform at Waterloo Station I bumped into Philippa. She
greeted me warmly. We found seats together. Philippa asked if I had
a Press Card. I shrugged. "You'll have to come in with me, then,"
she said.
The ferry sailed from Portsmouth. While
waiting at the docks we met Sam Hutt with his magic National Health
Orange Juice bottle full of THC laced juice. And a pocket full of "tabs",
acid. I popped mine straight into my mouth, like Alice. By the time
we arrived at the festival site, I was eight miles high. We went in
"back stage" on our press passes. There was the Who's helicopter!
"I'm just going to chill here a while," I said. Philippa and
Sam went off to watch/hear the Who. I lay beneath the helicopter to
Some time later I was approached by two
young lads who started asking me all sorts of questions. I got quite
paranoid. In retrospect, I think they'd somehow got backstage and were
wondering, inquiring about the lay of the land, but it freaked me out
at the time. Restless, then, I wandered into the Press Tent.
There were two couples sitting on a blanket
in the middle of the tent, pavilion - it was quite large, the tent.
I must have, may have looked quite agitated and disturbed. One of the
young ladies waved me over. "Are you all right?"
Having just been grilled by the two lads
outside, I thought, "I'll
ask the questions."
"Who are you?" I asked. She
said her name. "And you," I asked the young man in the snake-skinned
"I'm with a band," he said.
"Which band?"
"Oh, you wouldn't know them."
No, not until I came down, some, from
my trip. It was Keith Richards.
not much more to say about the Isle of Wight. Except, I met Steve Gee.
He had been on the fringe of the group centred round my friends Sean,
Joe, Andrew and I, that I jokingly called "The Hampstead Junior
Zen Men", back in the fifties, back in our teens, we'd weekend
in Soho, hang at the Partisan Coffee House. Actually, I called us all
fringers, weekend beats.
Steve was now a photographer, and he had
the gig of on-stage photographer for the festival. "Rock and Roll
has cornered the market on orgasm," he told me. And, "I'm
going to show Dylan "Warrendale" (2)
tonight. If you can drive, you can be my chauffeur." But I didn't
drive, and I was still several miles high. (3)

But what has this got to
do with being a "pothead", a "hash head", a stoner?
Oh, festivals were a very important part of the counter culture, and
we'll come back them; but let me tell you a bit about mary jane.
there's another place
the poet would say
another pace
a different way of processing
of experiencing
(the spelling corrupted)
get out of that one
meanwhile, while scanning and posting the above, I scanned and posted
brandon face
and sent it to him on Facebook (I'm learning)
as not, i would not have been high when sketching brandon two
evenings ago at the art bar... nor would I have been stoned performing
with Waleed at the Art Bar... Val Peter's film is wonderful... but
none of that wouldn't be stoned... so why post it here? it's
arbitrary.... (Oh, it's... this is Norman Allan: the story...
it's what's happening.... so....
a new day: it's cold.
rime on the windows

Oh Canada
cold toes.!
talking about festivals how the hopes
that came with Woodstock:
"... and
I thought I saw the bombers riding shotgun in the sky, they
were turning in to butterflies above our nation.") CANT
DO THIS STONED (footnote)
so hours later went back and found Joni's picture again... SO
our naive hopes were dashed at Altamont
a brief season of ease.
Shelter: the documentary
and/or the
movie) of the Rolling Stones 1969 tour
of America, documents
Altamont, which dashed the
dream, the high hopes...
the Jefferson
Volunteers "look
what's happening on the
want a Revolution, that's the revolution..." (4)
speaks of our hopes!
Altamont the Rolling Stones asked the Hells Angels to work their security.
The Bikers beat up on numerous people including the Jefferson Airplane's
drummer, and killed, stabbed one member of the audience... He had a
gun. He had a gun, this black dude they encountered, and stabbed him
to death. The end of the hippie pipedream. The love team.
the movie, Gimme Shelter, we watch Jagger watching the films rushes
and lamenting the tragedy.... how sincerely? (oh, his talent is awesome,
for sure)
And that brings me
to another story about concerts and festivals...
I missed Glastonbury, I was abroad.
But in the mid seventies I was thinking festivals and how there was
a chance, an embryo of a new society. To quote Jagger from
just before Altamont: "It's creating a ... microcosmic society
which sets an example for the rest ..." Yes, even so, even after
Altamont, festivals were our microcosm and the nursery of our hope.
So in the mid-seventies, one of my friends, John Coleman, who had been
one of the organizer of the Glastonbury festival - we thought we'd explore
revivinge Glastonbury, drove down to Wales to visit another of the festival
people, Arabella Churchill... (And what can I tell you that's special
about that? That I rode horseback with Arabella's then spouse Jim and
with his border collie herded sheep? No, that's not germane.) That John
and Arabella recalled how the first concert goers to turn up were a
group of deadbeat youths who built a little shanty out of branches and
"scavanged" plastic sheeting in the corner the field where
folk would camp, and then this group were the last to leave, hadn't
left when clean up was finished, needing to be escorted off the farm
by the fuzz. ngcht
shall I tell of the drive home stopping
at Glastonbury Tor at dawn and how at that hour the slope was covered
in rabbits!
No, the story that's
germane concerns the Rolling Stones. Apropos of Altamont and Gimme Shelter,
John r elated
how a couple of years later, after Altamont, he had built the stage
for a Rolling Stones concert in France. (That was John's gig, building
stages.) The Rolling Stones hired the local leather boys, again, (this
time the bleus en noir) to police the gig! Some of them appropriate
short length scaffolding, metal pipes, and were laying into the crowd
with these lethal batons. John went to alert, and complain, to the Stones
management. He was dismissed with, "Oh, we have to protect our
What's the expression. "Everything
changes. Everything the same." (5?)
I wrote about rock
festivals and Woodstock in my the hippie fairy tale: Pipedreams. Pipedreams
is a bit of a shaggy dogstory, an ecological psychodelic alagory, a
fantasy about the origins of music and dope: my journeyman's piece,
it was a major project in my tune-in turn-on dropped-out 1970s. There's
about four years of work went into writing that book.
I edited some in the 90s (and going back
to it recently I found one chapter full of racist stereotypes : I had
to apologize and take down them black faced vaudeville coons dancing
around in my fairytale... Sue's Billy loved it, Pipedreams. Thought
it better than Fowles. Go take a read - Pipedreams
- but, remember, before you go too far in that silly story, come back
Festivals... Woodstock... I once interviewed
Canned Heat (Bob Hite) and their roadie...
"... Did you ever hear Hot Crust get it on? Nah, you'd be too young.
You shoulda heard the set they laid down at Woodstock. Shit man, now
that was boogie. Woodstock..." repeated Boogie, a magic word, and
he started to reminisce. "Woodstock. What a gig. They had this
country house, hotel place, they hired for the bands a few miles away
from the site. The things that went on there, wow:" Boogie hooted.
"Man, there were bottles lying all over the corridors, people fixing
up on the stairs, balling on the landings... They had this fence round
the building to keep the chicks out. There'd be dozens of them at the
gate trying to get in, trying to get at the bands. Me and a couple of
other roadies, we'd go down to the gate, pick out some chicks, ball
for a couple of hours, then tell the pigs to throw them out."
next is my notes for
this chapter is: "early
history of my partoking? ITS NOT SPECIAL"
thing of interest, perhaps: early episode with cannabis were ideated/experienced
as "intoxication", much like alcohol. From 16 to 23, I'd perhaps
half a dozen what ? relatively short phases of hanging
out in this doorway
Then Joe
(years before of the Hampstead Junior Zen Men)
Joe (footnote)
came down to Brighton on Guy Fox. We drank eight (English) pints (Guinness)
while carnivalling in Lewis where gaily, with fireworks, we burnt the
Guy and the Pope. Then went home and Joe rolled and I was psychadelasized
... in Jimi's words "Experienced" ... and
what's acid to that? it's been such a long time
I forget...
I do remember,
the painting
the cats coat glowed, feathers

I think it is time for another (important) disclaimer...
I have never treated
a patient stoned never! I once visited a patient in hospital when I
was stoned, and then I didn't hear from Villa again! That gave me paranoid
pause. Then, several years later I bumped into her son, who said "Oh
Villa went back to England, right after her illness, and she's well"
I was always straight in clinic, always
What's next in my stoner notes... ?
and weed...
now that's worth telling if only cause we get to look at pictures: and
I want to show you what I drew today!

recently, when I tried to paint when "high", I
painted recognisably "stoned" paintings... yes there is an organic
flow to them, but... till recently, no great merit... So, I start all
my painting straight. Once I have the image mapped out on the "canvas",
then I can "edit" when high, and very often do. This picture
came home from the Arts & Letters Club Sunday life session, and then
at home, stoned, I added the silver paint under Addi's arms, and the light
bright blue on his cheek and in the "sky".
Then in "If you could find the words",
several things were added: the words themselves, the swash of metallic
paint on the cheek, and bits... (It's not a master piece, but... it's
interesting.) |
Some more examples of pieces that came home not quite finished...

I like this
piece, however.... a couple of weeks ago, I was stoned and... perhaps
it's a desecration... I was smudging, with sweetgrass (most first nations
elders feel that intoxicants are inimical to spiritual practice, as
do the Buddhists!)... and on impulse I took the sooty braid of grass
to Gena's temple....

That works for
me much better. Feels complete.
There's a slightly different story with this next piece that I call
"Renaissance". It came home like...

Now, were I
a well known painter, I'd have left it thus. But I thought it too subtle
for an unknown artist. So I dramatised it by adding an ink-wash background...
(yes, stoned)

A last example:
I did a painting
from Sam Shaw's photo of Arthur Miller and Marilyn Monroe. It sat
by my desk, for several years,
and didn't quite please me. And then, last week, stoned again, I saw
it! Try darken it there, I thought. With what? I grabbed the green marker
that sits on
my desk, added a little triangle of dark to Miller's right cheek, and...
... ah, now it works for me...
"High" "Tripping" ? What is "psychodelia"
all about?
You may recall my relating how Philip
said that the different Buddhist techniques are variant ways of stopping
the verbal, conceptual, mind; moving from the map to the terrain, to
direct, unedited, experience. I think the psychodelics are somewhat
in the mid-sixties, when I was looking to where I might do my postgraduate
work, I visited Keys and Dewhurst. (They were
working with cats. I was all right (then) with vivisecting the baby
chicks (that would otherwise have gone into the grinder), but not with
torturing cats.)
In one of their experiments, Keys
and Dewhurst recorded activity in the cats auditory nerve. As the cat
listens to a metronome, the nerve impulse "spikes" in the
auditor nerve gradually diminish and vanish as the cat "habituates"
to the stimulus. (That prosessing, that "habituation", is
done, they found, peripherally, in the nerve nets of the ear itself.)
Then, after they gave the cats LSD, they no longer saw any habituation!
No filtration. Just a sensory flood.
Intoxicant, and psychodelics,
poison and "block" some nervous processing and programing.
And so they take us out of our habits into a rawer terrain. Or... at
least, that's some part of the "story".
day wed Tues "I'll know in half an hour
Lucky and weed dogs and cats Jay Kay
6 year hiatus
what has dope meant to me? Ted dreams paranoia/persecution
... ..."
very recently I would write my first drafts of NA:ts in "Word"
and then paste them into my old Dreamweaver 4.0
to post and to polish. Then I got lazy and started first drafting here
in my Dreamweaver version. and have again
But this old Dreamweaver often "crashes", and last week
I lost an hour of writing
on the notes above and more and,
and I lost them! I have to remember to
post/save again and again paragraph by paragraph. I do not lose many ,,,
heartbreaking is an overstatement, but frustration doesn't begin
and it seems to me this has changed the world
changed this
chapter at least.. it's now different
I smoked up, got into doing yoga, got hung
on the setting sun and my shadow crossing the wall. Contemplated that,
stoned as I was, I could not remember at that moment what exactly was
on the table, the bureau in these photos with
its Buddhas and... I
can recall most of the "objects" that are there when I'm straight.
And that reminds me now of a time a couple of years
back, how stoned in the afternoon, |
day I couldn't remember if it was Tuesday or Wednesday, and thought, "Not
to worry. I'll know in half an hour." Poisoned (neural) programs...
Oh, and the other day my thoughts went to writing (notes
in my head) Book Two: Secrets, the chapter on "Genius"
- as for instance: "It's no fun being a genius when you've nobody
to play with" - oh, we'll get to that
and the days run on
Genius? the painting
(look what's on the south wall in here), and now the prose is evolving
("Ted Allan in Spain" is wonderful!), and the poetry has always
been ... (did you look at the video?),
and the ultradilute dot-blots !!!
and it's all so "oh so what"
and the days run on...
but look what
I painted yesterday
So what I already writ once starts/started with, I
think, interacting with animals while stoned. I recalled the
cat in Brighton who, meeting me stoned/tripping (6)
ran up and down the side of the armchair, flashing her tail at me.
and with Lucky... that's
another shaggy dog story through another "secret": the psychic,
Jay Kay. They were my "partner" Jay Kay's dogs, and she was
working at home... Jay had a great reason for wanting a dog (we'll
to that)
so we got her a dog, the beagle, Rita. Jay Kay
fed Rita: I walked Rita. Rita thought she was my dog. Now (this is curious)
Jay Kay never left Rita alone at home while she, Rita, was a puppy,
and so, though I could leave Rita in the car when she was out with me,
Jay Kay couldn't leave Rita at home without her howling, once for five
hours (we were told!). And then when Rita was a year old, Jay finished
her film studies and determined that she had to find a paying job, so
the beagle would need to be left alone
and, meanwhile, Jay Kay
discovered that she wanted and needed a Blue Heeler, a Cattle Dog. And
that actually worked for Rita. She was happy enough being left at home
in the company of the puppy, Lucky.
Rita had become my dog (as it were), Jay Kay dictated that I not pet
or cuddle Lucky, ever (or at least, till he was grown), So to begin
with Lucky was Jay's dog. I couldn't even put my hands on Jay in Lucky's
sight or he'd try to pull me, pull my arm, off of her. He was serious
about this. Later, when I'd massage Jay's feet while watching movies
on T.V., which we did a lot, I would massage her feet, but that would
always have to be done under a wrap or blanket.
And why is this in the stoner's chapter?
Jay Kay's ex, father of her Matt, was a stoner. And it was a no no in
our equation. And I thought, "It's been decades. I'm due a break."
It would be a six year break.
Then six years on, how much of the bloom
was gone off our couple (and our coupling)? and I felt I was missing
an important part of me: and then I toked again, and again and again,
and of course, much more of the bloom shed / fled
So, when I started smoking again, when
I was stoned, and alone with the dogs, Lucky would push the boundaries
of our affection of our interaction but
how weak that reads: of course one reacts differently when wearing a
different head space
and Lucky would take advantage of that to
peer up. It's not like taking advantage or liberties, it's that they
see, animals
(and kids) often seem to realize that they can interact with
you more intimately?/ /personably?
when you are high
Somewhere in there my psychic said, "My lifestyle has changed.
Find the dogs a good home." I said, "Give me a week..."
And that's how I got the dogs.
The next "note" say: "Ted,
dreams, paranoia/persecution"
My father, Ted, did not (for
the most part) enjoy my stoned company: he said my eyes roved looking
off into space like his crazy father. Notwithstanding that, when he
asked me if I thought I could novelize "Lies
" (8)
I did that work pretty much stoned/high. I'd type some, smoke up and
edit. Come down enough to make the corrections and then continue on
and granted, "novelizing" I was given the structure, the characters,
the action and the dialogue
I used to say that primarily I just
had to "stylize",
(what did I mean by that?) The novelization
took three weeks for the first draft: then two weeks for the polishing.
Do I write stoned? Not infrequently. Is
it different? Yeah; but it's difficult to describe
and it all
gets edited anyway, straight or twisted, twisted and straight .
was telling Ted, once, that I thought I recalled my dreams less when I
smoked; that, one function of smoking was that it was a way of suppressing
dreams, I speculated. Ted grabbed this utterance: "A way of suppressing
dreams, a way of suppressing dreams."
Has it been a way of delaying dreams? I
don't think that's clear or evident. (Procrastination is large in my life.
And a none following thoroughness
which I've tried to excuse, or
nationalize, by blaming it on my trying to do, needing to do so many things
though, that's been an issue. Though in my life Jews were hardly persecuted,
and I was hardly Jewish, I was aware from almost toddler on of the holocaust.
Psychologically: did I identify so strongly with the persecuted and
oppressed, that I needed a threat of prosecution/persecution.
Did I smoke in part to
be doing something illegal, to be an outsider, an outlaw?
You dirty Jew. You
dirty Jew. We'll set the dogs on you.
And is this "waffle"? I've hardly spoken yet of "altered
consciousness"; what does it means to be "stoned" to
be "tripping." What
is it? "Presence"? What's that?
There's something psychedelic
in alcohol (apart from the numbing, the dumbing,
the discoordination): there is somehow a "knowing"
Riding home (drunk) on the Underground (the Tube),
in my teens, I'd seemed to sense people so much more... (lost
" 'Ere... "straight"
don't have knowing? Straight's got information, and
therefore can be better at operating and.
on my first "trip"seeing the typewriter
as I had as a Christopher Robin aged child
(the family totem!). And stoned as well as tripping
having a phrase to type and setting out to type it and noticing that
it is gone from my conscious mind, gone till it falls on to the typed
The next note says "dope",
and that reminded me that in the seventies, in the UK, we would often
call hash "shit". Do you any shit we could smoke? That was
good shit. Hmm? "Dope."
When I was eleven,
twelve, new to London, we rented the upper apartment of a dwelling attached
to a theater, at Swiss Cottage. At the back of the kid's room's closet
there was a hatchway that opened into the theater. The most interesting
bits were "backstage". (Backstage is actually largely in the
basement of a theater.) There in a store room/work room and in the muddle
on a desk/table there were some small bottles, vials, labeled "dope".
Now, dope here means "a varnish
applied to the fabric surface of model aircraft to strengthen them and
keep them airtight", but to me these little vials (red, green,
blue, yellow) of "dope", were... my God must be the stuff
that steals peoples minds away! (As mysterious to me at the time as
"fuck"). Scary! Awesome. Mysterious (adult) magic.
it some similar fear with the Devils Mint Tea? We'll
get to that. We'll come to that.
And important facet/aspect part of the stoned experience (when
it happens) can be paranoia. After Joe Whitaker came down to
Brighton and turned me on, he left me a couple of "blims"
, and I smoked up the next couple of days, and when the fourth day came,
I wanted to score some shit. (Sean's younger brother Pete was a head,
and his friend Paul Bee down at Sussex, Paul was a doper and small time
candyman (9b))
so I visited the candyman and scored my first ounce: crumbly, powdery,
tan Lebanese: and we smoked up, and and
I got "paranoid". : and what's that mean? I can't quite grasp
it now. "Panic attack" is too strong, but frightened leery,
wary, and aware I was not "rational": and I think that that
paranoia, as much as anything, is what kept me returning to the stoned
space, where perhaps one time in four the paranoia would return in some
guise - and I wanted to, needed to understand it!
We are going to need
a chapter on "tripping". I've only scratched the surface here....
and tripping takes us to psychosis: drug induced psychotic episodes/expediencies
(DIPE)... and beyond it takes us to the metaphysical...
meanwhile, before we get back to looking for Woodstock ~ a brief reference
to stoned goofs is required (for fair balance).
There will be days, stretched out towards
weeks, when I'll avoid toke ~ and stretches when I crave and behave
addictively. One such occasion, not too long ago, I rolled a joint
to take with me when I went to see a late patient at the clinic and
then smoke up (out on the street) before running on to another event...
So, right after seeing May, on leaving the clinic I toked up, and
then arriving at the subway station ~ it was ten minutes on from the
patient leaving the clinic, but there she was outside the station
talking on her phone/ her mobile. I did not want to have to interact
(stoned as I was). I walked past the station... ahh, what to do? I
walked into the station, then changing my mind about going to Oz,
afraid to walk back up stair, to meet May, road one station west,
then back two east, feeling a goof (being a complete doofus!).
And just the other day: because I had another
meeting before going to the art bar, I took the car. Then, on parking,
toked up in the car.
For several years now I've been going
to the Art Bar's weekly poetry readings and I've made a habit of drawing
the features as they perform. (I've
a page on line of these drawings (10).)
And usually I would be straight or having "come down" quite
a ways from any earlier high: but this last Tuesday I was quite recently
stoned. And the drawings are nice, I like them, but they are far far
far from likenesses.
Ah, but the point of the story here, is that when I got home, on
public transport, I noticed the car wasn't home! Stoner groaner! (Hell,
that could happen to any geriatric.) (Anyway, I fetched the car. (11)
It was no biggie.) |
Before I close this chapter, with a promise that I will come back to
address the boarders of tripping, psychosis, and metaphysics... and
meeting the demonic!
another little bit of Woodstock left to us, here in Toronto in the twenty
teens. The "meditative dance" that takes place on Sunday nights
at Ozzington House - dance barefoot and sober and without talking on the
dance floor - except for the relative sobriety, that's a little bit of
Woodstock preserved here in the city.
For the longest time I went sober, and then
realised that many there were high, and found I could dance just so much
freer (at least to start, it opened a door for me). I got into the habit
of smoking up in the nearby Christie Pits. Oh, and discovered the mural
round the swimming pool there! Awesome.
Then a few months back, in December, it was drizzling, close and
damp. Where to toke? I ended up in the glass bus shelter across from Oz
House, toking in that close confine. Caitlin, who was "on door",
took me aside. "Have you been smoking pot? This is a sober space."
My mind spun a lot and fast. A sacred
space, yes, and what to say? "I smoked much earlier, medicinally.
But I'm straight now," I lied straight faced. And that ate me up
for days.
Next week I took Caitlin aside. "I
need to tell you a story." And I told her how the Buddhists say there
are three gates one needs to pass before speaking. You must ask, "Is
it true, is it kind, and is it useful." And I told her the story
of, "My friend, who likes to get high before she dances here, but
one week it was raining so she smoked up in the bus shelter, and she promises
she'll not do it again. And as to the Buddha's three gates...: two
out of three ain't bad."
last night, seeing Caitlin, I told her I'd just written about this in
(NA:tsfE) in a chapter called Stoner. See, I can be a complete
doofus straight or stoned. |
yes, we are going to have
to come back to "altered states", to LSD and tripping ...
to tell the devil's story...
and meanwhile
Untitled: this side of
This side of Altantis
we put on flesh,
fleshed out the ego
we so proudly wore
lighting the sky,
loud as God.
Lucifer was a myth,
a dream.
He didn't exist
in our great scheme,
unless he was in all of us.
How surprised we were
when the walls fell down.
From the rubble of Atlantis we built.
Post Script: Some short
while ago I heard a rather brilliant "spokenword artist"
(12) perform. In
his work he alluded to, and explored, an earlier period in his life
when he had been a crackhead. Despite the fact that he was now
clean and actively engaged in responsible and creative social activity,
I found that his former deadbeatness did tend to taint my perception!
So to anyone who is judging my art or science at all through my use
of cannabis, wise up!
and do visit normanallan.com : the website |