Norman Allan
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Norman Allan : the story for Ezra
book three: towards joy
chapter three:
"Dr. Allan's Medicine Show"




Fascia, strictly speaking, is the fibrous sheets of connective tissue (made up primarily of collagen) that surround other tissues, muscles and organs and body parts. However, it is continuous, the fascia, it blends in with the tendons and ligament.
      Think of the fibrous sheath aground meat/muscle: that's the classic fascia... however, the connectivity of the collagen in the fascia extends into all tissues. I have read that it spreads out as a thin matrix to connect with every individual cell!



I once watched Nehemia Cohen (of Mitzvah Technique) manipulating, gentle, a patient's toe and their whole body seemingly to spontaneously move in sync. This speaks to me of the contiguity of the fascia, of the collagen, and of "tensegrity", which is a word (of Buckminster Fuller) describing that connectivity.

Wikisays: "A fascia ( plural fasciae) is a band or sheet of connective tissue, primarily collagen, beneath the skin that attaches, stabilizes, encloses, and separates muscles and other internal organs. Fascia is classified by layer, as superficial fascia, deep fascia, and visceral or parietal fascia, or by its function and anatomical location.

Like ligaments, aponeuroses, and tendons, fascia is made up of fibrous connective tissue containing closely packed bundles of collagen fibers oriented in a wavy pattern parallel to the direction of pull. Fascia is consequently flexible and able to resist great unidirectional tension forces until the wavy pattern of fibers has been straightened out by the pulling force. These collagen fibers are produced by fibroblasts located within the fascia.

Fasciae are similar to ligaments and tendons as they have collagen as their major component. They differ in their location and function: ligaments join one bone to another bone, tendons join muscle to bone, and fasciae surround muscles or other structures."



starting Thursday 14th of July at 7:00 pm (and then on the second Thursday of month)
at the Mount Pleasant library (599 Mt. Pleasant)

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