Norman Allan
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Dr. Norman Allan's

Vol 6, No. 2,
September 2009


*   a video on meditation
  other videos: Bill and I have been making some videos...

*   archives lots of things of interest
*   herbs: plantain




   video on meditation


this image actually has nothing to do with the meditation video


I've been posting videos on youtube
or you might look at my video page

take a look at

knee: self help

fascilitated and spontaneous movement

tai chi walk,

and perhaps,
the musings there on meditation,
and sundry.
(L.J. said "You shouldn't
your poetry on your website:
well, it would be alright
if it wasn't so sad)


knee: self care


tao chi walk


*    *    *

I heard on the radio (and then googled) that St. Johnswort stimulates the liver to deal with toxins (see immediately below), which is why it can be tricky with many pharmaceutical drugs, because it helps the body get rid of them... so, St. Johnswort for detox! (take the tincture or tea).

St. Johnswort cause the production of an enzyme, PXR, which causes the production of a cytochrome P450 (which is a major detox vehicle) that gets rid of "xenobiotics"(i.e. unnatural chemicals): it increases the metabolism of the detox system.

 *    *    *

*   to subcribe to this newsletter click here


*    *    *


Office Hours:

at 2 College Street
Wednesdays, (alternate) Friday

1397 Danforth
Mondays, (alternate) Fridays

1:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.



visit Dr. Allan's home page at





Dr. Allan's Newsletter: April 2009: snippets from newspapers which I hope are of interest.

Dr. Allan's Newsletter: Oct. 2008: as above

Dr. Allan's Newsletter: Aug 2008:

Dr. Allan's Newsletter: June 2008:

Dr. Allan's Newsletter: May 2008:

Dr. Allan's Newsletter: Apr 2008:

Dr. Allan's Newsletter: Oct 2007:

Dr. Allan's Newsletter: Sept 2007:

Dr. Allan's Newsletter: July 2007:

Dr. Allan's Newsletter, Spring 2007:

Dr. Allan's Newsletter, Winter 2007:

Dr. Norman Allan's Newsletter, May 2006:

Dr. Norman Allan's Newsletter, April 2006:

Dr. Norman Allan's Newsletter, March 2006:

Dr. Norman Allan's Newsletter, February 2006:

Dr. Norman Allan's Newsletter, January 2006:

Dr. Norman Allan's Newsletter, December 2005:

Dr. Norman Allan's Newsletter, November: 2005

Dr. Norman Allan's Newsletter, October: 2005

Dr. Norman Allan's Newsletter, August/September: 2005

Dr. Norman Allan's Newsletter, June/July 2005:

Dr. Norman Allan's Newsletter, May 2005:

Dr. Norman Allan's Newsletter, March/April 2005: an essay on immune tonics published in "Healthy Directions" - and snippets from newspapers, various, which I hope are of interest.

Dr. Norman Allan's Newsletter, February 2005: snippets from newspapers, various, which I hope are of interest - and a discussion of "C Reactive Protein" as an indicator of risk for heart disease.

Dr. Norman Allan's Newsletter, January 2005: snippets from newspapers, various.

From vol 3 no 1: An interesting clipping that I've stumbled on since the last letter concerns vibration:(Globe and Mail, 13 June 2006) "SCIENTIST GETS VIBES TO BUILD BONES. Device to help space travelers approved to treat sufferers of osteoporosis." The device is a machine that generates vibrations - vibration implies acceleration/deceleration, and is therefore somewhat like gravity - therefore in theory, and it seems in practice, good for maintenance of bone mass in zero gravity (it was designed for use in space). On earth, the article says, "a person who stands on [the platform of the vibration device] for 20 minutes a day can build bone density an average of 2 percent a year. ... By sending small vibrations through the body - moving about 50 micrometers (or the thickness of a few human hairs) up and down and repeating at a rate of 34 cycles per second - the platform triggers musculoskeletal stimulations that naturally occur... the vibrations from the platform are set to a frequency that [generates acceleration that] is one-third that of gravity... and is therefore safe. Other devices (exercise machines) which generate 4 to 15 gravities are dangerous, we are told.

The thing that I find interesting here is that a relatively subtle vibration is having an appreciable (positive) effect on body metabolism and function. I am therefore wondering what the vibrational effects of chanting, OM, for instance, are? We'd need an engineer to tell us about the difference in order of magnitude between that devise and the vibrations that are set up in your body by, a) a rock band in a bar, b) by chanting, OM for instance. However, orders of magnitude might or might not be of relevance here. Subtle vibrations may be having physiological effects. One would have to look and see.

Meanwhile, the safe course would be to do the chanting. It's bound to have salubrious effects at many levels (if not bone mass and muscle mass - muscles, that too was in the article). ("Salubrious" = health promoting - forgive the use of a relatively obscure word.) "Over all the bone density of the controlled group (the reporter has got this wrong - he means "experimental group" as compared to the control group) increased by 3 percent during a year, and muscle mass improved by 4 percent."

So get chanting, OM (or what you fancy).