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Dr. Norman Allan's

Vol 3, No. 2,
Spring 2007


*   newspaper clippings
   open house (treatment available by donation)
*   archives
*   what's new in my "practice"
*   to subcribe to this newsletter click here

*    *    *

If you missed the winter 2007 issue (which you may have. I was having trouble with my mailing) it had an interesting article on vibration and bone mass (click here!) and on organic farming, which is a powerful "carbon sink" while "industrial farming" produces perhaps as much as a third of the worlds greenhouse gases. So in real costs ... (click here to see!)

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Newspaper clippings
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Pepper helps absorption of nutrients! "The best example of the remarkabkle effect of piperine onm the absorption of nutrition-related substances is probably its influence on the bioavailability of curcumin, a powerful anticancerous and anti-inflammatory molecule present in the Indian spice tumeric... (When curcumin the gut it is) modified by an enzyme called UDP-glucuronosyltransferase, which triggers its elimination without it having had the chance to exert its numerous anticancerous and anit-inflammatory effects. In the presence of pepper however the UDP-glucuronosyltransferase activity is blocked, which allows the tumeric to be better absorbed.
    This effect of piperine is quite remarkable because it increases by almost 2000% the concentration of curcumin in the blood ... Indeed, piperine
imoproves the absorption of several other molecules present in our diet, like betacarotene, selenium, and EGCG (green tea's primary anticancerous molecule).

    Dr. Richard Bellveau in the Toronto Sun (!) 26 March 2007

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Supplements: a metanalysis by researchers at the Copenhagen University Hospital suggests taking vitamin A supplements increase mortality (decreases life expecancy) by 16%! betacarotene supplements increase mortality 7% and vitamin E by 4%. Other supplements (C, B vitamins, selenium, zinc, etc.) may be healthy and helpful. Source: Independant Online Edition, 6 March 2007.
Healthy foods (with pepper?) are the best bet.


*    *    *


Non-toxic paints:there are zero- or low VOC (volatile organic compounds) paints available: silicate dispersion paint or inorganic mineral paint (see, clat-based paints ( "milk paint" ( article in Metro 22 March 2007 by Fisher and Schnurr (

*    *    *
 I am now a regular guest, on line, on That Radio's liquid lunch program at 1:30 on the second Tuesday of each month. If you have any medical/alternative medicine questions, e-mail me and I will answer them on "that radio", or on my ask the doctor page (as you wish).

 Not new,but still noteworthy:-  

Office Hours:

Monday, Wednesday, Friday

8:30 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.

Open House
Thursdays, 4:00 to 6:00 p.m.
Dr. Allan is available on Thursday afternoons to answer questions and to demonstrate techniques.
Treatments are available during these times on a donation basis.


visit Dr. Allan's home page at





Dr. Allan's Newsletter, Winter 2007: snippets from newspapers which I hope are of interest.

Dr. Norman Allan's Newsletter, May 2006: as above

Dr. Norman Allan's Newsletter, April 2006:

Dr. Norman Allan's Newsletter, March 2006:

Dr. Norman Allan's Newsletter, February 2006:

Dr. Norman Allan's Newsletter, January 2006:

Dr. Norman Allan's Newsletter, December 2005:

Dr. Norman Allan's Newsletter, November: 2005

Dr. Norman Allan's Newsletter, October: 2005

Dr. Norman Allan's Newsletter, August/September: 2005

Dr. Norman Allan's Newsletter, June/July 2005:

Dr. Norman Allan's Newsletter, May 2005:

Dr. Norman Allan's Newsletter, March/April 2005: an essay on immune tonics published in "Healthy Directions" - and snippets from newspapers, various, which I hope are of interest.

Dr. Norman Allan's Newsletter, February 2005: snippets from newspapers, various, which I hope are of interest - and a discussion of "C Reactive Protein" as an indicator of risk for heart disease.

Dr. Norman Allan's Newsletter, January 2005: snippets from newspapers, various.