1: Eweida's DNA dot blot
model is discussed in Allan's 2007
letter to Homeopathy, http://www.normanallan.com/Sci/New%20Scientist%20homeo%20letter.htm
2 "Beyond Substance":
discuss the ultradilute IgE and DNA models: http://www.normanallan.com/Sci/bs.html
3: Cyril Smith and Jean Monro: described to us (Bruce Pomeranz lab) how closed
glass vials of "Miller Solutions" might cause dermal symptoms in hypersensitive
individuals and how these effects might be screened by some gauges of copper meshes,
but not others..
4: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Poincar%C3%A9_recurrence_theorem
5: Stewart: Does God Play Dice: the Mathematics of Chaos 6: in potentisation,
the bottle with each new dilution is "pounded" against the palm, or
a book: in ultradilution the plastic vial with the new dilution is touched to
a "vortex" devise for 3 seconds (or more).
7: Del Giudice and
Tedeschi: Water and the Auticatalysis in Living Matter. Electromagnetic biology
and Medicine: 28:1 2009 8: Davenas et al: Human basophil degranulation
triggered by very dilute antiserum against IgE: Nature, vol 333, p.816-818, 30th
June 1988.
9: Pomeranz was at this meeting: and this is while I was a
research associate of Pomeranz 10: THE most important physics journal!
11: Del Giudice: Water as a Free Electric Dipole Laser: Physical Review Letters:
29 Aug. 1988, 61:9:1085-88 12: Del Giudice: Emergence
of Self Organization in Aqueous Systems and Living Matter 13: Del Giudice:
Water and the Autocatalysis in Living Matter, Electromagnetic biology and
Medicine 2009 28:1
14: or will, might seems to, tend to
cause the
occurrence of
15: Chikramane et al., Homeopathy (2010) 99, 231-242.
Extreme homeopathic dilutions retain starting materials: A nanoparticulate perspective. 16:
Ho, Entropy 2014, 16(9), 4874-4891; Illuminating Water and Life
17: Del
Giudice: Water as a Free Electric Dipole Laser: Physical Review Letters: 29 Aug.
1988, 61:9:1085-88
18: Journal of Physics: Conference Series 442 (2013)