Norman Allan
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Norman Allan

My March 2001 excitement with strings led me to   "Physics Letter B" the University library shelves,.  Series B is about particles (energy/matter) and strings; series A is about chaos.

Looking for strings led to Higgs fields and QCD.  What's QCD?  On the net "google" told me that QCD is Quantum Chromodynamics

                                                    search for QCD exotics, fig 4 

Figure 4. Quark models put forth in 1964 portrayed the proton as being composed of two “up” quarks (each of +2/3 units of charge) and one “down” quark (–1/3 unit), a combination that gives the proper +1 charge for the proton. At the time, quarks were thought to be a useful device for subatomic bookkeeping but were not vested with any physical reality.

2/3 and 1/3 brings to mind


i.e. musical "thirds"... (however, on second thoughts, see below...)

and the +ve and -ve brings to mind directions directions of spin

vibdi.jpg (1650 bytes)

[is "color" an inward direction? and charge (and/or force) an inward spin?
how many colours? three, and  six dimensions.
two quards, up, down, in three "colours"
       (charm strange, top bottom are a different "generation", like muons to electrons)
are colors dimensions of spin?]

If electrical charge is a dimension/direction of spin - other dimensions that are "perpendicular" might not share that parameter, that quality.  However, if the quarks are spinning not perpendicularly, but at 30 or 60 "degrees", might we get this 2/3 +ve charge (and in the other direction, in the anti-up-quark 2/3 -ve) and 1/3 -ve?

A consideration of the basic particles should explain the topography of the 3 plus 6 dimensions, or rather visa versa, the dimesions should explain charge, colour, etc.

direction of spin implies a POV  (a perspective of observation)
a front and a back, looking this way or that, looking inwardly or outwardly?

POV     spin  


(does mass come out of interaction?)


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