motor states:
the poem beyond resting
there's ready (and ready is "steady") set
and go.
is in the animal,
ethologically speaking, the bits (the body parts), their muscles
which may be quiet, resting
or active, and maybe the best path
to follow what's happening is "ready steady go". ready,
we take up slack. "set"
is ready focused on a goal "I'm going to walk over these stones"
- "set" is intentional. then
we act unleash an impulse, a coordinated motion of the whole body,
or its parts, in flow.
So there's active posture
(stance) and flow and passive posture
we are either moving or poised poised
we engage the motor systems the nerves and muscles take up slack
and set to move alert or
we are passive, resting just standing or sitting, lying. poised,
are we relaxed? "well I'm trying to relax my body
(I wrote this
longhand, knelling on the floor)
while my forearm and hand are poised
and active." 
poised, my
pen like the dog's paws, as he crosses the stones through the rill,
his movements flow upon inspection and intention, not waiting, he is
already in motion,
molding, shaping the action in flow, choosing which stones to paw
like my pen chooses which word to step to next Poised
is attentive Set is intentive, so will is there in it, and judgment. Go
too pertains to will and judgment decisions, deciding, comes from somewhere
else then verbal in man as in a dog 
what is will in itself, beyond thought, an
open bracket In
will is asking "does it fit or not," "Can I be bought?"
"What's right?" or "What are we trying to accomplish here?"
and all this is beyond verbage this judgment this leash on impulse
"yes or no" (is it a go?) 
there is restful, and alert, watching (orientating,
focusing), and there's thinking about and deciding.. "yes
no, it fits, go" is (in part) beyond thought, I think,
judging, intending, rehearsing, executing, I act in and on the mind (on words
and thoughts) and in and on the body an impulse, doing, looking, thinking, doing,
committing to unleash the dogs, to action, now that beyond thought,
is it naught?

scripts in
choosing (the next word, for instance) I am beyond thought unless I choose
to delegate judgment to paradigm to automatic algorithm through the conjuring
of words words
are a toy of the mind allowing the play of thought (Babel,
though, is without
meaning) poise
stop stopping
is to return to poise
see also motor states: the tome
and motivation?
is it out of needs, wants, commitment that we move
can have judgment without will but can can't
have will without judgment though
the judgment of a dog may untie our leash
Actually, the pink bit, I had it all sort of sorted (and it was much simpler),
but the computer crashed, so I had to try and remember and recreate, the next
stone, the next poem, where is it going...