lipid membranes

cell membranes ~ plasma membranes ~ bipolar lipid walls
~ "world sheets" the
vibrating membranes seperating the waters of our interiors.
Thanks to Dennis Kunkel Copyright
1999 Dennis Kunkel Microscopy, Inc. living
systems are made up of two sols, two waters, an inner (intracellular) and
an outer (extracellular fluid compartment) separated by cell walls, lipid
membranes or "plasma membranes".  
The lipid "plasma" membranes also help structure the intracellular space
as a "reticulum" of membranes in which things happen (things
like the nucleus and mitochondria). 
living systems, tissues, are a network of membranes and
waters . do the lipid membranes vibrate?
they pulse ions between the waters (the inside and outside waters)
The intracellular waters have K+ Mg++ PO4--- The extracellular compartment
has Na+ Ca++ Cl- A sodium potassium ATPase "pump" moves Na+ out
of and K+ into the cell and this creates an electrical potential across the
membrane. Then the cell responds to the world by letting sodium back in
and potassium out so there is an electrical, ionic pulsing along the membrane
systems, cells, are like the inner stem world (spacetimeenergymatter)
the inner dimensions, in that energymatter exists there as membranes.
the living world is (in part) membranous
planar lipid membranes - 2D
and the neural nets of the
cerebral cortex are planar matrices membranes of pulsing electric potentials.
(they do much of their analysis, computation, in planar fields, i.e. visual
fields and audition (just because the cortex is a planar matrix)
the inner stem world where matterenergy is membranous
all these vibrating pulsing membranes

which resonate where?