Norman Allan


see also: *darkfield microscopy/
                     live blood analysis
                 *blood fluid flow

"Pleomorphism" is the term used to discribe the fact that some microorganisms can change form. At its most conservative scientists discovered in the last century that some fungi might in some conditions manifest as molds (filaments) and in other conditions manifest as yeasts (blobs). So "thrush" might be a mold (Monila [or a name very similar]) or a yeast (Candida) and it wasn't till about fifty years ago that they realised that Candidiasis and Moniliasis were the same disease.
"morph" refers to shape/form.

"pleon" = more

The more radical pleomorphic "theory" of Enderlein imagines that there are really only two species of microorganism that transmogrify. One includes tuberculosis. The other includes the black mold "mucor". In this therory the most basic form are little white specks he called protids. When you are healthy, they help. When you are ill, they are the pathogen.

It's rather wild. Hockstra (see below) cannot believe that microorganisms change their DNA. Me neither. But... something strange is going on. However, nobody has a handle on it.

One of the first scientists who talked about pleomorphism was Béchamp, a contemporary and rival of Pasteur. He called the little bodies he observed "microzymes".

It seems that there may be some rather special organelles... (the hourglass icon flashes now with each key stroke, save, and restart )

Not all the little white specks are microzymes. Most of them are fats.

What are the microzymes?


but back to the pleomorphic aspect, of which the 'zymes are a part...



2007: when I was first using the microscope in 94/94 I would often damage the sample to one extent or another. Then all sorts of monsters might appear in the sample. Were those Naessans' medusaheads?

I once saw somethings that looked like this

turn into a threesome

and then a disc!

this took place inside a RBC. I have seen discs like this in the serum (sic?). They are quite rare, but then I looked at such a speck of blood.

but what are the blobs, the white specks, the "somatids" or "protids" or "microzymes"?

Most of the white blobs in the serum (sic?) are fats, chlyomicrons and HDLs and LDLs


Enderlein in the first half of this century described an elaborate chain of forms. He called the specks "protits".

In the 1930s Rife built a ultrahigh resolution darkfield microscope (comparable to Gaston Naessens and beyond it). He saw pleomorphism, but he didn't dwell on it. He was buzy building the ray to vibrate bacteria and viruses - shake them to pieces.

I don't know of any satisfactory
explaination of the discs
(Hockstra cited some who called them
small RBCs. I don't think so.
They are like 3 micron,
if I remember.
It seemed imposible to me
that they could be microRBCs)

Some of the speculation and theories built arround these sorts of observations tell the story that when the environment allows the proteous, the changing thing can virus-like, bacteria-like, or fungus-like: they metamorphose to suit their conditions. When we are healthy they help us. According to Naessens they produce a growth hormone that is essential for cell division in all plants and animals. Biologist call this sort of mutually depended relationship "symbiosis". However, when we are unhealthy our friends, the somatids, turn on us and become parasitic. But this parasitism is a process that can be recognised by darkfield microscopy and it can often be reversed. Most important, we must find out what stressors caused the problem, and correct the situation.
at a more fantastic level
pleomorphic theory
sees space seeds
spores with DNA and
a ribozome and plasma-lipid
and enzymes, all the stuff you need
for life as we know it
is that your microzyme?
Naessens' Somatids: In all living plants and animals Naessens observed tiny creatures. He called them somatids - "little bodies". According to Naessens somatids are found in all living creatures. In a healthy organism somatids have a simple three stage life cycle (somatid, spore, and double spore). In this "microcycle" somatids are symbiotic: they perform essential functions in the regulation of cell division, Naessens claims.

However, when we are ill the somatids elaborate into a complex sixteen stage "macrocycle". The somatids of the macrocycle are bacteria-like and fungus-like. This change of form is an example of what is called "pleomorphism". Gaston Naessens' theory says that we see the macrocycle in ill health or with impending illness. It is also claimed that with the darkield microscope we may see the disease pattern in the blood up to two years before a disease (for example cancer) manifests. The somatid cycle (discovered by Naessens with the somatoscope and analyzed in culture) can be observed and monitored with darkfield microscopy. We can use this to alert us to incipient problems, or to monitor a patients response to therapies, both orthodox or alternative therapies.

the white dots that we see in the serum/plasma are mostly fats. Those seen in the RBC, though, these are not fats. So these, at least, are what examples of the bodies that are identified as protids, somatids, microzymes.

* * *

Known microorganisms, like bactera and fungi, do exhibit pleomorphism as a adaptive response.

Cell Wall Defficient Bacteria (or L-forms): A second approach to live-blood analysis has been assembled from many sources by Prof. Lida Mattman of the Wayne State University and her colleague Dr. Phil Hockstra. Micro-organisms, when challenged, shed their cell walls. While this leaves them less virulent, it also makes them less vulnerable. Shedding their skins they lose most of the markers that identify them as foreign bodies to our immune systems. They can also now change their shape - this simple change of shape is also called pleomorphism - and all this means they can easily invade and hide in the body's own cells.
This more conservative view of pleomorphism is based on sound science and is very credible.

so maybe the microzymes
are little generic life-spores

once life-spores evolved
then meteorite impacts
might launched them into space
and the might seed the galaxy

oh, idle speculation,
but when we get to alpha centuri
we may find they use the same
DNA encryption as ourselves

spontaneous generation of microzymes
and microzyme like critters,
Merkle's chondiona (?)

didn't Reich also find orgones
sponateous in the hay?


