the college Lucille Smith attended was the same college, naturally, that Professor
Pickering taught at. Naturally they fell in love. And naturally, when he proposed,
she accepted. Lucille brought Richard him
to meet her family. He liked the Smiths and the Smiths liked him. "It's
time there was a professor in the family," said Mrs. Smith.
brought Lucille to meet his parents and Henrietta and Humphrey approved the instant
they learned she was the daughter of one of the wealthiest families in the land. "She's
a complete dear," said Henrietta. "She
is that," said Humphrey.
told Richard how wonderful she thought his parents were. Richard said, "Yes,
they have something I've always admired. It came rather late in their years, but
they've had it ever since - love for people, a sense of belonging to a good world,
a patient and wise understanding of human weakness." "My
parents have that too," Lucille said thoughtfully. "Some
people have it," Richard said, "and some people haven't." 