alternative medicine
Norman Allan
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this is a very brief synopsis of the medicinal properties of ginger derived from simply scanning the views given in the top 3 google listings for ginger
  It seems that ginger (Zingiber officinale : the nutritional and medicinal part of the plant is the rhizome {or underground stem}) is somewhat of a panacea...  
  Medical News Today say that ginger: ...
~ helps with digestion (i.e. is "carminative") increasing the secretion of digestive juice.
~ it reduces nausea,
~ reduces muscle pain,
~ reduces inflammation.
~ it is rich in potassium.
Authoritative Nutrition says it also: ...
~ lowers blood sugar,
~ helps with heart disease, for instances lowers cholesterol levels,
~ has anti-neoplastic properties (helps with cancer)
~ is an antioxidant,
~ has anti microbial properties,
~ and improves mental functions (such as memory)

Wikipedia offers very little, mentioning only nausea and arthritic pain.
~ It does mention that: the most common allergic response (when there is any) is a rash
~ it can have adverse effects on gallstones;
~ it can reduce the anticoagulant effects of pharmaceutical such as aspirin and warferin.
~ Wiki also notes that adverse effects (such as bloating) are commonly associated with using powdered ginger. (Use fresh ginger!)

re "safety" wiki says "If consumed in reasonable quantities, ginger has few negative side effects. It is on the FDA's "generally recognized as safe" list, though it does interact with some medications, including the anticoagulant drug warfarin and the cardiovascular drug, nifedipine."



other sources

purple sage's page is wonderful. a great herbal resource.

as is

mallow a link



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