Norman Allan
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"Crippled" Nails

Homeopaths talk about "crippled nails" - for instance, the remedy Thuja (cedar) has the rubric "crippled nails" and might be indicated.


Factors that can effect the health of nails include;
trauma, fungus, and general health/illness, and genetic constitution.


if you bleed neith the nail the blood will tend to stay there, cause there's just nail on that side and, if there's more than a little in the "haematoma", the nail will tend so seperate.

Repeated trauma will compound problems.



incidently, nails apparently tend
to seperate
in up to 90%
of cases of

I haven't found any nice illustrations of crippled nails yetTrauma, fungus, and illness will of course interact and compound problems.

"Fungus infections comprise about 50% of all nail disorders and can be difficult to treat. Debris - yellow, white, green or black may build up under the nail plate and discolor the nail. Fungal infections of the toenails occur four times more frequently than that of the fingernails (footwear keeps the toes dark, warm and moist)," 
 Tea Tree Oil is reputedly useful for fungus infections of the nails. 
 to be continued