where I finally
fell into forever and a daze while smelling the scent of you sniffing
a bit of your mundane flesh there in your dinette as you rehearsed goodbye
Love Poem which was titled "Where" but could be titled defaulting
silver kisses or fuck me, she didn't like my company
just did what I thought she'd suggested we should do I fell in love where after
the first electric kisses she sent me boat loads of promised besos then
loved me silly for awhile grrunt
(no t teeth) "nghuagh" mm mm hghaugh! I
thought I'd found the friend but she said not quite so
its nice to flirt and tussle but the smell of her was of home besos
des.a.pare.cido babe kisses disappeared kisses yes
its nice to flirt and wrestle but the scent of her was of home where besos
desaparecido kisses disappeared