   Winter's Words is a poem from the sixties
   included here as a preface to
   Hatred's Fount

Winter's Words

Winter's words lie like snow
How cold how cruel my heart
Lies in its aching
Aches in its want
In the cold blind weather
And cushioning words I whisper
All's well
All's swell
Into an ogre
And organ growling
prowling beneath your citadel

Winter's boredom
A lie to lie in

First I free you
Then I tighten the rope
Strangle an image
Fixed form
Embodiment of my body want
No form no want
But wanton form
Ice melting into damp
Heat flaring into screaming
Leaving me unwarmed unmoved unchanged
Damp small fearful
But unquenched
With winter's wants
And winter's words
Set to begin the same again
Before the early dusk
Brings the same dark

[link to Hatreds Fount]
