| 1:
or is it "Genius slash Ego"
2: Cathy Boudreau was the first Mrs.
Richler. She was part of the surrounds of my teen world in London. Always used
to say, "Sucker balls." Later
was a disciple of (and teacher with) Linda's teacher, Kema: and, from the five
pieces hanging on Linda, the anonomys poet's, walls (and the bookmark Linda gave
me), a wonderful artist. 3.
"crude doodles": my word for Mark's free-hand stuff - he loved it. An
improvement on the terminolgy his brother had ascribed to them... "penises"
According to Mary's accounts,
which I'm inclined to believe, a drunk and aggressive father and a compliant mother
sexually abused her in her crib, in her cradle. Father sold her virginity - was
she six years old? - for twenty dollars to two drinking buddies, in a run-down
garage back behind Clinton Street. Walking home, Mary said, she was at least proud
to be bringing back some money, the twenty dollars, to a hungry household, but
then, as they passed Clinton's Tavern, daddy (George, I think) took the money,
went into the tavern, sending Mary home. Oh, there was more, there was more; but
that's the highlights.
G: and online there is also... "Shonkwaya'tihson/Shonkwaia'tishon/Shukwayatisu/Shongwayadihsonh/Songweadiiso/Sogweadiso/Sonkwiatisu/Sone-yah-tis-sa-ye,
Everything-Maker, Creator of the World, Great Spirit. " 5:
googling "fish" images brought nothing like my eye yo eye fish friend,
but did bring the Morrisseau. googling "Mangala
Anshumati" images brought some stylised images of her ashramites (there are
half a dozen), but none of Mangala ! and
the googled black and white dog is much like my new friend at the beach, but is
a australian sheppard/border collie (rather than healer) cross. pix:
this little abstract
a detail from
