Norman Allan
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chapter four:     Neural nets
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Neural nets

a) motor output: the chirping of a chick 
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    Motor output, motor behaviour,
    is a blending of muscle activity over time.
    An example of the organisation of motor acitivity
    is seen in the vocal repertoire of the chick.
    Its cheeps and twitters, its trills and shrieks,
    are the manifestation of three interacting oscillating systems,
             i:    one controlling pitch,
             ii:   a second controlling air pressure
                  on the "outside" of the vocal membrane,
             iii: and a third controlling respiration.

    A shift in phase between the first two cycles
    reflects approach/avoidance behaviour,
    pleasure and distress
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    chapter four, part one  
    motor output: the chirping of a chick 
    explains this phenomenon in more detail

b) sensory input: vision

In the neural organisation of vision we see
multiple sequential neural representations of the visual field.
Between each of these successive levels of visual analysis
the information is "processed": successive levels
(successive mappings of the visual fields)
are iterations of the informational field/matrix,
similar in many ways to the field from which they derive
but evolved/different, having undergone one more (synaptic) process,
and of course with a small temporal delay
so that these iterations,
this information processing,
is falling down time.

And which of these iterations is the visual field,
is vision itself?  Not (necessarily) any one of them.
Possibly the resonance of all of them.

    chapter four, part two  
    sensory input: vision 
    explains this phenomenon in more detail

c) integration and iteration

So we have all these iteration of neural information
falling down time - and not just our planar visual matrices -
there are many other body maps (somatotopic maps).
There is the primary sensory and motor cortex, for example,
and "associative" sensory and motor cortex,
and many somatotopic maps in the cerebellum,
and in the thalamus, and the basal ganglia,
and the spine itself
(there is a little fusiform homunculus in the spine)
again with successive iterations of neural process.
And then there will be fields, matrices
which are integration's of the several (the many) modalities:
an interprocessing of sight and "balance" (vestibulo-ocular),
of vision and motor control (e.g. orientation),
of sound and word and memory
           ~    integrations    ~
which means that we don't just have lines of processes
falling down time in isolated streams,
but we have a weaving together of these many streams.

And as successive fields/matrices
are similar, but not the same,
do they not resonate?

(In chapter one, on homeopathy {"Beyond Substance"}, we saw
[what for me is compelling evidence] that mind is pattern,but)

where should we look for consciousness?
Certainly not in any one pattern.
Perhaps we should look for it
in the resonance of all the streams
that the mind references at any one time.

And the depth and breadth of consciousness,
surely that will reflect size (neurons per matrix)
and number, number of (sequential) layers
and degree of cross referencing?
the frog with few, the flat worm with fewer.

The depth of consciousness in time...
what is it that spans time?

Chapter Five: Strings

Addendum: Strings Between


Towards a New
Natural Philosophy

