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Emelio del Giudice





The ability of water to carry complex signals:
the work of Emilio del Giudice
oscillating dipoles and "quantum coherent domains":

After quantum physicist, del Giudice, met Benveniste (9) he returned to Milan to ponder what might hold the signal. This led him to publish an article in Physical Review Letters (10): Water as a Free Electric Dipole Laser in 1988 (11) in which he demonstrated (mathematically) that oscillating dipoles might carry the relevant signals. He went on, over the decades to describe how coherent clouds of quasi-free electrons might hold such signals in Quantum Coherent Domains (CD).
          Quantum Electrodynamics (QED) models liquid water as containing zones of quasi-free electrons vibrating/resonating coherently (in a "self-trapped" or "non-vanishing" electromagnetic field). These CD are able to collect noise energy and transform it. And they are radiative, they broadcast. The quantum coherent domains are plasma-like.
          I am still digesting/ processing this information. So far, I believe he is saying that water will mirror the vibration of the molecules it encounters (further, "interfacial water should be almost completely coherent."); and that while the CDs radiate e.m. signals, the CDs are also re-energizing from incident "noise". He is, however, describing these as properties of common or garden water. It's not a special properties of ultradilute/ potentised water. But again, it's not necessarily a property of bulk water. It starts where water meets something. Where it meets stuff it vibrate. These are properties that do allow water to carry and maintain information. But, note again, he is not discussing ultradilution/ potentisation. (12, 13)






Emilio del Giudice, as far as I know, after he was introduced to Benveniste and his work in the mid 1980s, he set about explaining the signals in water, firstly in terms of oscillating dipoles(11), later elaborated into the discussion of "quantum coherence domains". I believe that del Giudice's models(18) may allow for, and explain, the harmonic nature of ultradiluted/potentised signals(1).

further notes on coherent systems in water from Del Giudice et al: Coherent structures in liquid water close to hydrophilic surfaces (18).

"Because of the coherence the vortices have no internal friction…" they "therefore have a very long lifespan." Further, "the CD becomes a device able to transform ambient noise, namely an ensemble of a large number of low frequency excitations into a unique high frequency excitation." And, "the plasma driven by the coupled e.m.f . could "run away" from the initial perturbative regime and transit to a coherent state where all charges oscillate in unison, in tune with a coherent resonating e.m.f. at a common pulsation !r = j1o j-j!R <! R : " And, "When coherence emerges, the energy of the system decreases and consequently the new coherent configuration is protect against instabilities…"

"… liquid water, made up of Coherence Domains, contains a pool of almost free electrons [0.8 electrons per water molecule] and correspondingly an ensemble of almost free protons (the widows of the quasi-free electrons)…" and I think he is saying that the "oscillation of the solid surface charges" and the "quasi-free charges of the water CDs … self-adjust … parameters in order to produce a resonance between the two charged ensembles…" That the water CD tune to whatever is in them, and whatever they are in!

(I think, that what is happening in the Coherent Domains is a patterning of (quantum)dipoles: del Giudice does speak of "the CD electric dipoles")

And back to del Giudice and Tedeschi's paper (13): "The coherent oscillations produces an ensemble of quasi-free electrons, able to collect noise energy from the environment... : ... The size of the extended space region where this phase locking occurs is the wavelength [gamma] of the e.m. mode resonating with the oscillation... : ... interfacial water should be almost completely coherent ... " They speak of "water radiative dipole." And ... "At room temperature each water CD includes about five millions of molecules."
          And finally: "An ensemble of water CDs traversed by the same flow of energy and in contact with the same biomolecules gets then a chance, according to the general theorem of Preparata, to develop in turn a coherence producing a coherent set of coherence domains. This process can further iterate producing a hierarchy of levels of coherence, that starting from the tiny domains of water molecules large 0.1 mm could reach eventually the size of cells, organs, tissues, plants, animals, ecosystems." And I would imagine that this then means that we can contemplate the incorporation of subharmonics into these systems and the ultradilution phenomena.


Note: del Giudice's work on quantum coherent domains is for "interfacial water" : see the substance of life and ultradilution/potentisation is (more likely more of) a "bulk water" phenomenon


  11: Del Giudice: Water as a Free Electric Dipole Laser: Physical Review Letters: 29 Aug. 1988, 61:9:1085-88
12: Del Giudice: Emergence of Self Organization in Aqueous Systems and Living Matter
13: Del Giudice and Tedeschi: Water and the Autocatalysis in Living Matter, Electromagnetic biology and Medicine 2009 28:1
  18: Journal of Physics: Conference Series 442 (2013) 012028
13: Del Giudice and Tedeschi: Water and the Autocatalysis in Living Matter, Electromagnetic biology and Medicine 2009 28:1



personal biography

chapter seven


