Norman Allan
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Willie the Squowse


chapter 4


When Willie came to, it was the next day. He felt dizzy and he couldn't remember what had happened. Then it all came back to him. "Wonder how long I've been lying here?" he asked himself. "Hope Joe's still asleep."
     He made his way carefully through the inside of the wall, looking out this time for falling bits of plaster. He got back to the hole and ran into the kitchen.
     The world suddenly became a nightmare. A woman and six children screamed. A man with a red face ran after him with an iron bar. Willie ran under a table. he ran under a chair. he ran under the stove. The man with the red face kept swinging at him shouting, "I'll get him, don't worry!" The man swung at him again, so hard that he almost made a hole in the floor. "I'll get him," the man kept muttering, as if his whole life depended on his batting Willie's brans out.
     "Where's Joe?" Willie kept asking himself, trembling like a leaf. "What's happened to Joe? Can I be in the right place?"
     The man with the red face kept poking at him under the stove. "I'll get him", the man vowed. "I'll get him! Don't worry, I'll get him!" The woman and the six children were still screaming. "I'll get him!!" the man said again.
     "Why?"Willie asked himself. "What have I ever done to them?" He tried to hide further under the styove but the iron bar kept poking at him.

     He took a deep breath and made a dash for that hole in the wall.The man missed by a hair. The noise got louder. The woman screamed louder than any of them. "You!" she shouted at the man. "You can't even catch a mouse!"
     Willie rushed up the wall, over pipes and wires and sticks and hid in a dark corner, his heart beating fast and loud.
     "What people!" he panted. "Barbarians! What kind of world is this that has such people in it?"
     he still heard the man saying, "I'll get him, don't worry!" And the woman screaming, "You'll get nothing. You never got anything, and you'll never get anything, not even a mouse!"
     They had obviously mistaken Willie for a mouse.
     After a few seconds Willie figured out what had happened, that Jow had wakened, found him gone, thought he had run away, and had left without him. Then these savage people had moved in.
     "What an unhappy turn of events," Willie lamented, still unable to control him trembling.


chapter 5