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Workshops with Dr. Norman Allan


Dr. Norman Allan has developed the following workshop: each of these can be presented as a brief 2 hour seminar, a 4 hour half day seminar, or a 6 hour full day event.


CranioSacral Therapy
as I understand it.

a workshop by
Dr. Norman Allan

CranioSacral Therapy unwinds and release tensions and contractions in all parts of the body, at all levels, physically, emotionally, energetically, psychologically, spiritually. My friend, Marian, says that Cranial work is "the membranes edge between mind body and spirit." It can be a profound therapeutic tool and it is always deeply relaxing.

The workshop will introduce us to many aspects of this wonderful, gentle therapy. CranioSacral therapy is subtle. You don't have to be a rocket scientist to learn it, but you need to be sensitive. Cranial work opens us to a new understanding of the body and gives us a powerful tool to relax and to heal.


Abdominal Movement and Emotions

Visceral Manipulation

a hands-on workshop

Dr. Norman Allan

Visceral manipulation is an adjunct to CranioSacral Therapy. Dr. Barral observed that the abdominal organs move to and fro in a slow gentle rhythm. When their movement becomes restricted, our health suffers. Through visceral manipulation the organs can be gentle mobilised.

Note: when we "repress" things we "anchor" them in the smooth muscle and fascia of the abdomin and thorax so that, in a very real sense, we store our emotions in our gut. Realising the contractions associated with our organs is a powerful tool for physical, emotional and psychiological health.

Studying visceral manipulation is a wonderful, simple way of learning anatomy, and learning how our bodies function.


Energy Healing

"Energy" is mysterious
(like spirit).
Few can see it.
Many can sense it.
All of us can use it
and can use healing.
The rules are simple…

an introduction to energy medicine



Character Analysis

Bioenergetic Archetypes

· Participants will be introduced to four basic character archetypes: 'void, oral, anal, and egoic.

· "Modeling" the archetypes, participants will gain a first-hand understand of the emotional and social dimensions of these personality styles.

· Wilheim Reich wrote extensively on Character Structure.
His pupil, Alexander Lowen, the founder of "Bioenergetics Psychoanalysis", elaborated on, and simplified, Reich's system. Lowen's four "pre-oedipal" character types gives us a useful template for understanding the roots of personality and character.

· Lowen described postural attitudes and body types associated with the character types.