Norman Allan
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Use of the Bach Flower Essences in Depression


The Bach Flower essences are mild, gentle, but helpful. You cannot hurt yourself with them so they are safe to self-medicate (though as we can’t see what we don’t want to see it is often better to have someone you trust/respect prescribe for you).

Take a few drops of the "mother tincture" or the first centisimal dilution ( dilute one part in one hundred and succuss ten times - see homeopathy [ homeopathy ] ) whenever required.

Several Bach Flowers may be used together (as in the famous Rescue Remedy [BFRR]) for instance:

Agrimony might be used by a shy addictive pwerson Aspen might be added if there is undefined fearfullness consult the list below...

Agrimony confrontations are problematic - addictive personalities.
Aspen unidentifiable fears, fear of death
Centurytrying to please others
Clematis"air head" spacey for grounding
Crab Apple feels unclean, perceives faults in self
Elm overwhelmed
Gentianeasily discouraged
Gorse hopeless despair
Heather attention seeking
Holly angry
Honeysuckle lives in the past
Hornbeam burned out, but still functional
Impatience impatient, angry
Larch lack of confidence
Mimulus tangible fear
Mustard sudden gloom of unknown origin
Olive non-functional / no energy left
Pine self blame
Rescue Remedy acute, for short periods only in depression
Rock Rose more acute!
Star of Bethlehemtraumatic on-set, chronic depression, locked in
Vervain closed minded
Water Violet withdrawn / loner / lonely
White Chestnut obsessive thinking, stuck circling on some thought
Wild Oat lost, doesn’t know what to do with ones life
Wild Rose indifferent / blank / dazed / unresponsive / withdrawn / apathetic
Willow resentful, "why me?", envious
see also Bach Flower Rescue Remedy for a discussion of Bach Flower Remedies