Norman Allan
416 928 9272
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Multiple Sclerosis

When I think of MS I think of Roger MacDougall. Roger was a play-writer best known for his films "The Man in the White Suit" and "The Mouse that Roared". In the 1940’s Roger was confined to a wheelchair by Multiple Sclerosis. He put together a diet for himself - one that even today, fifty years later, most naturopaths would little to disagree with or to add to - and slowly recovered. When I met him in the mid 1950’s he was out of his wheelchair, though still walking with a cane. Later he would throw his cane away and do cartwheels. He lived to be a healthy old man. His diet has been written of more than once in the prestigious medical journal "The Lancet", and he has written of his struggle with MS in a pamphlet, "My Fight Against Multiple Sclerosis"

I give Roger’s pamphlet to all my MS patients, and to others, not only for the obvious reasons, but most specifically because of his observation that after he started his gluten-free diet it was fully four years before he began to see any marked improvement. Patients and perseverance is the name of the game.

Click here to read Roger MacDougall’s pamphlet, "My Fight Against Multiple Sclerosis" updated?

There are several papers in the literature reporting beneficial effects with MS from acupuncture. Though the reports I have seen all use different points and approaches, acupuncture may be worth trying.

St. Johnswort, which is a nervine vulnerary (a healer for the nervous system) may also be of value.

alternative medicine
Norman Allan
416 928 9272